EmergeTools / Pow

Delightful SwiftUI effects for your app

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Feature Request: Support for Repeated Effect.

Addallah opened this issue · comments

I couldn't get the animation to work with .repeatForever() .

I would love if there was a way to trigger the Effect every 2 seconds for example

Hey @Addallah, would you be able to provide more context about your use case? Normally I would suggest updating the piece of state that triggers your animation on a timer that fires every two seconds rather than trying to repeat the animation forever, but I'd love to understand more about what you're trying to do to see if there's a worthwhile addition to the library that should be made.

Thanks a lot!

I would like to take advantage of the shine animation for directing the user attention to a subscribe button for example.

The solution that i ended up with.

.onAppear { _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5, repeats: true) { _ in withAnimation { shine.toggle() } } }


Hey @Addallah, apologies that I hadn't responded I accidentally closed the tab and this issue went missing from Github Notifications. I love what you came up with, it looks great! And your solution looks great, it's pretty much exactly what I was suggesting above, well done. 😄