Elkfox / Ajaxinate

🎡 Ajax pagination plugin for Shopify themes

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Duplicates Collection in Shopify

estebangallego opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Once you start scrolling and at the last product, it will duplicate all the products again and again.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Scroll down
  2. At the last product in the collection, the batch of products will repeat with no stop

Expected behavior
Stop scrolling at the last product


Additional context
Please help solving this bug

This is likely because you had paginate.previous and/or paginate.parts in Pagination block.
It works for me after I removed those two, leaving only paginate.next like shown in the docs:

{% paginate collection.products by 3 %}
    <div id="AjaxinateContainer" >
      {% for product in collection.products %}
        {% include 'product-grid-item' %}
      {% endfor %}

    <div id="AjaxinatePagination">
      {% if paginate.next %}
        <a href="{{ paginate.next.url }}">Loading More</a>
      {% endif %}
{% endpaginate %}