EleutherAI / lm-evaluation-harness

A framework for few-shot evaluation of language models.

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Pytorch profiling Error In Megatron-DeepSpeed/tasks/eval_harness/evaluate.py

jrt-20 opened this issue · comments

I have error when use profile on evaluate.py(1 node 8 gpus) https://github.com/microsoft/Megatron-DeepSpeed/blob/main/tasks/eval_harness/evaluate.py .

from torch.profiler import profile, record_function, ProfilerActivity
def main():
    start = time.time()
    model = load_ds_checkpoint_and_setup_megatron(extra_args_provider=tasks_args)

    args = get_args()
    if args.deepspeed and args.adaptive_seq_len:
        # adaptive_seq_len hack #1:
        # CL automatically enables reset_activation_shape() which allows us to change input shapes
        # and it also reshapes the attenion scores in attention_mask_func
        args.curriculum_learning_legacy = 1

    task_list = ALL_TASKS if args.task_list == 'all' else args.task_list.split(',')
    task_dict = tasks.get_task_dict(task_list)

    model.module.activation_checkpoint_interval = 0
    model._compute_loss = False
    model.fwd_outputs = []

    tokenizer = get_tokenizer()
    adaptor = EvalHarnessAdaptor(model, tokenizer)
    with profile(activities=[
        ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA], record_shapes=True) as prof:
        results = evaluator.evaluate(adaptor, task_dict, False, args.num_fewshot, None)
    if mpu.is_pipeline_last_stage() and mpu.get_tensor_model_parallel_rank() == 0:
        print(json.dumps(results, indent=2))
        with open(args.results_path, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(results, outfile, indent = 4)
    end = time.time()
    print("evaluation of {} ends in {:.2f} sec, or {:.2f} min, or {:.2f} hr".format(args.task_list, end-start, (end-start)/60.0, (end-start)/3600.0))

But I get an error.

output_json.cpp:468 failed to rename trace.json.tmp to trace.json

How should I use pytorch.profile tools to fix this.
After the error, I get a file "trace.json" , but it can not be used in chrome://tracing/

Don't you think https://github.com/microsoft/Megatron-DeepSpeed/issues is better place for this issue?