EleonoreMizo / pedalevite

Pédale Vite — DIY multi-FX pedalboard for guitar/bass/etc.

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Onset Detector 2 is currently disabled because not so good

mikelange49 opened this issue · comments

Hi Eleonore.

Congrats for your hard work, looks very impressive !

I'm a plugin developer and I'm interessed in the time-based method from Luca Turchet's "Hard Real-Time Onset Detection of Percussive Sounds".

I'd like to know why you disabled it ("because not so good").


Hi mikelange49,

Actually I’m quite disappointed with all the onset detectors I tried so far (there are a few other ones I didn’t commit). They miss a stroke here and there, or emit false positives. I haven’t tried much the spectral-based ones because of the additional latency and much higher CPU load. Only the first OnsetDetect in the Pedale Vite effect list gives almost usable results. Maybe the other algorithms require an accurate tuning to give their best, but this is problematic as I want to use them with a few different instruments (guitars and bass). Or perhaps they are designed for drums or general-purpose use, and not specifically for plucked string instruments. I tried the time-based Luca Truchet’s algorithm (not the spectral part, I don’t need the exact onset location at the moment) with the numerical constants given in the article and tried to refine the settings, but couldn’t find something working really better than the first OnsetDetect. Maybe I should give it another try.

Hmm… I think it comes from the VST wrapper. I think I haven’t tested it with effects using only control signals as output yet. I bet it will give you the same issue with pv_osdet. I’ll check this and try to fix it soon.

Fixed in 672fb47

Oui je le suis :) Cet article, que je n’ai que survolé pour l’instant, m’a l’air intéressant, merci beaucoup. Cependant je ne sais pas du tout à quel point il est adapté à du temps réel puisqu’il semble faire la détection dans le domaine spectral. En tout cas, je mets ça sur le coin de la table et je m’y plongerai en détail un peu plus tard, quand j’aurai un moment à y consacrer.