ElectroTechnique / TSynth-Teensy4.1

TSynth for Teensy 4.1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release is "weird"

callimero opened this issue · comments

Sorry for the fuzzy title.

The release seems to end a bit sudden especially when using relative short release times (0.2-1.0s). It seems then the release is maybe linear and that gives the ear the sudden end. Which does not sound natural.

I compared it with my other synths and there it seems more exponential leading to a smoother end.

When using a longer release (>2s or so) it is better. Havn't looked at the code, maybe it is in the audio lib?

Yes, envelopes are linear. Exponential ones would require a re-write to the Audio Lib.
Link to PJRC Forum

Ok, for now I slap a reverb behind it :)