ElasticBox / elastickube

ElasticKube is an open source management platform for Kubernetes.

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Problem starting ElasticKube Server

bergtwvd opened this issue · comments

I am running an "unsecure" Kubernetes install (one master, three nodes), i.e. not certificates.

I do curl -s https://elastickube.com | bash -s -- -u from an Ubuntu machine on which I only have kubectl installed. *.150 is the address of the master.

Script runs with following output:

  _____ _           _   _      _  __     _
 | ____| | __ _ ___| |_(_) ___| |/ /   _| |__   ___
 |  _| | |/ _` / __| __| |/ __| ' / | | | '_ \ / _ \
 | |___| | (_| \__ \ |_| | (__| . \ |_| | |_) |  __/
 |_____|_|\__,_|___/\__|_|\___|_|\_\__,_|_.__/ \___| by ElasticBox

Checking kubectl is available           [ ✓ ]
Verifying Kubernetes cluster            [ ✓ ]
Setting up elastickube-server svc       [ ✓ ]
Setting up elastickube-mongo svc        [ ✓ ]
Setting up elastickube-mongo            [ ✓ ]
Setting up elastickube-server           [ ✓ ]
WARNING: LoadBalancer Ingress not detected, please ensure the address is accessible from outside the cluster. Check http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/ingress/ for more information.
Waiting for LB to be ready              [ ✓ ]

ElasticKube has been deployed!
Please complete the installation here:

However , the ElasticKube Server won't start.
When I check the Kube dashboard at the elastickube server I see in the log:

 2016-12-04T16:35:08.247532000Z Traceback (most recent call last):
2016-12-04T16:35:08.346998000Z   File "/opt/elastickube/diagnostics/diagnostics.py", line 415, in <module>
2016-12-04T16:35:08.347292000Z     run_server()
2016-12-04T16:35:08.347510000Z   File "/opt/elastickube/diagnostics/diagnostics.py", line 389, in run_server
2016-12-04T16:35:08.347711000Z     settings_from_env(settings, os.environ)
2016-12-04T16:35:08.348059000Z   File "/opt/elastickube/diagnostics/diagnostics.py", line 319, in settings_from_env
2016-12-04T16:35:08.348391000Z     with open(token_path, 'r') as f:
2016-12-04T16:35:08.348602000Z IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token' 

What next?


ElasticKube manages the cluster from the inside using a Secret called "token" available by default in the kube-system namespace. This token is required to do most of the operations.
We need to be sure that the "token" Secret is present and functional.

It seems that the secret token is not available for ElasticKube:

Can you please check if the secret token is available using these commands?

kubectl get secrets
kubectl describe secrets


[bergtwvd@master ~]$ kubectl get serviceAccounts
default   0         7d

[bergtwvd@master serviceAccount]$ kubectl describe secrets
Name:           registrypullsecret
Namespace:      default
Labels:         <none>
Annotations:    <none>

Type:   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

.dockerconfigjson:      96 bytes

I created this token for my private Docker Registry.

There are no other tokens.

To get Elastic going, what are the instructions I should pass into Kubernetes?

The default serviceAccounts for the default namespace does not allow to run ElasticKube there.

In which namespace are your ElasticKube pods, rcs and services? By default they are created in the kube-system namespace which has a serviceAccount that has enough privileges. Do you have the kube-system namespace?

If you don't have it or the pods are not there.

Please, run the following commands:

kubectl get serviceaccounts --namespace=kube-system
kubectl get secrets --namespace=kube-system
kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
kubectl get services --namespace=kube-system

kubectl get secrets --namespace=kube-system {{ NAME OF THE SECRET USED BY ELASTICKUBE IF ANY }}

Did you do any customization of the installation sh script?

All this should be already in the cluster and ElasticKube just uses the default infrastructure. It would be really useful to know the way you installed your cluster to improve our documentation, because the shell script should have taken care of all this for you.

I just re-ran the command directly on my master kube:

curl -s https://elastickube.com | bash -s -- -u

I have not done any adaptations to the deploy script.

It ends with the message:
ElasticKube has been deployed! Please complete the installation here:

Output from the various commands:

[bergtwvd@master elastickube]$ kubectl get serviceaccounts --namespace=kube-system
default   0         7d

[bergtwvd@master elastickube]$ kubectl get secrets --namespace=kube-system

[bergtwvd@master elastickube]$ kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
NAME                                    READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
elastickube-mongo-mb7aa                 1/1       Running            0          4m
elastickube-server-qeb5s                3/4       CrashLoopBackOff   2          4m
heapster-2676267885-g5v9y               1/1       Running            1          1d
kube-dns-v11-ugj5r                      4/4       Running            1          1d
kubernetes-dashboard-1297179873-ooig3   1/1       Running            1          1d
monitoring-grafana-4128421004-j8gks     1/1       Running            1          1d
monitoring-influxdb-2486686895-y035z    1/1       Running            1          1d

[bergtwvd@master elastickube]$ kubectl get services --namespace=kube-system
NAME                   CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
elastickube-mongo   <none>        27017/TCP       5m
elastickube-server                 80/TCP          5m
heapster        <none>        80/TCP          6d
kube-dns        <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   7d
kubernetes-dashboard    nodes         80/TCP          7d
monitoring-grafana    nodes         80/TCP          6d
monitoring-influxdb    <none>        8086/TCP        6d

For installing Kubernetes I followed the instructions at
http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/centos/centos_manual_config and some from http://severalnines.com/blog/installing-kubernetes-cluster-minions-centos7-manage-pods-services.

To get the install to work I had to remove ServiceAccount from KUBE_ADMISSION_CONTROL in /etc/kubernetes/apiserver (see 2nd link above). This workaround has been suggested in quite a few posts (and at kubernetes/kubernetes#11222). I am using plain HTTP, no certificates. Looking at this issue, this seems to be the problem, but I do not know how to fix this in my current install.

In the meantime I have moved to kubeadm to install Kubernetes. This sets up the certificates and service account. This works now on my local pc environment without a corporate proxy in the way (#127). I close this issue.