ElPumpo / TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker

Open sourced tool for keeping NVIDIA GPUs updated, featuring fully customizable driver installs for complete control, multi-GPU support, and more!

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Minimal install doesnt work if 7-zip not detected

andyjf0 opened this issue · comments

The driver is no longer extracts after download. Reinstalling 7-zip does not fix?


Hi Andy. If you at one point had 7-zip installed and have minimal install enabled. Once you uninstall it and run TNUC it will detect that no 7-zip is installed and disables the feature.

You can re-enable it by editing the configuration file. Which is located at %localappdata%\Hawaii_Beach\TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker\app.config


<add key="Minimal install" value="false" />


<add key="Minimal install" value="true" />


Thanks and no worries! I understand editing the config file is not easy and needs a UI