ElPumpo / TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker

Open sourced tool for keeping NVIDIA GPUs updated, featuring fully customizable driver installs for complete control, multi-GPU support, and more!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cant make last version working

zdhar opened this issue · comments


i cant make the last version working
here is what it says :

"D:\Program Files\TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker-1.16.4>TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker
You must install .NET to run this application.

App: D:\Program Files\TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker-1.16.4\TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker.exe
Architecture: x86
App host version: 7.0.2
.NET location: Not found

Learn about runtime installation:

Download the .NET runtime:

i downloaded everything on this page in 7.0.5 and 7.0.2 too, same results

ty for your help


ok solved following last post
winget install Microsoft.DotNet.HostingBundle.7 then downloaded https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-7.0.5-windows-x86-installer?cid=getdotnetcore


Hi, as discussed in #161 and #162 you need the desktop runtime x86. Improved readme is coming aswell to clearify