ElPumpo / TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker

Open sourced tool for keeping NVIDIA GPUs updated, featuring fully customizable driver installs for complete control, multi-GPU support, and more!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New version

molagbaal38 opened this issue · comments

Good morning,

sorry for my english, i'm french and i use google translate.

I have been using tiny nvidia for a long time without ever changing versions, now I just changed graphics cards I updated tiny to the latest version,

I followed the tutorial
*install net.x86
*uninstall the drivers/geforce with the DDU software

then tiny starts fine but with this error:
*inernet connection:ok
*retrieving gpu information:error
*"no supported nvidia gpu was found! if you have a nvidia gpu then manually install a driver for it first, then use tnuc to keep it updated."
Can you help me please


Hi. Can you show a screenshot of your GPU in device manager?

Oh yes if you run DDU then TNUC will not be able to identify your GPU as NVIDIA product. Refer to issue #163

Salut. Pouvez-vous montrer une capture d'écran de votre GPU dans le gestionnaire de périphériques ?

Oh oui, si vous exécutez DDU, TNUC pourra identifier votre GPU en tant que produit NVIDIA. Reportez-vous au numéro 163
Hi and thank you for your reply,

I had to reinstall the nvidia driver with gerforce to get tiny to work again.

I read message #163 but I have trouble translating, I don't really understand what I have to do if I remove the nvidia driver to make tiny work.

could you explain to me please?


Duplication of #163 . Closing issue. Wait for fix😂

ok i will wait for a fix then,sorry for the duplicate


No worries. My tool requires driver to be installed already