ElPumpo / TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker

Open sourced tool for keeping NVIDIA GPUs updated, featuring fully customizable driver installs for complete control, multi-GPU support, and more!

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ArgumentNullException after successfully verifying internet connection

hubertsng opened this issue · comments

Having this issue on my fresh install of windows 11 on my rtx 3070. Installed all the .net frameworks, all the .net runetimes, all the c++ redistributables as I do on every fresh install. Windows update checks and reboots.

Final reboot I run with --debug.

`TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker v1.16.4

Arg: --debug

configFile: C:\Users\huber\AppData\Local\Hawaii_Beach\TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker\app.config

Verifying internet connection . . . OK!
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'paths')
at System.ArgumentNullException.Throw(String paramName)
at System.IO.Path.Combine(String[] paths)
at TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker.Handlers.LibaryHandler.EvaluateLibary()
at TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker.MainConsole.CheckDependencies()
at TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker.MainConsole.Main(String[] args)

Deleting the client version check does not fix this at all (as that's the thing that happens next in the log and same error is shot.)


This issue is something to do with libary lookups for the minimal install feature. You can disable it to make TNUC temporary work, it looks like some path was broken will investigate.

Ran this today with the same tinyupdate version on the same machine. Not sure what changed, or possibly can change other than Nvidia's lookup. Either way I was able to install the latest game ready minimal drivers.

I'll leave this open if ElPumpo is still interested in looking at why.


This issue is caused by the 7-zip and winrar lookups for the minimal install feature.

You have a pathing that causes an error but they should be silensed. Next update will resolve the issue, in the mean time you can change your configuration file to disable minimal install for now


Sorry for the extreme delay @hubertsng I have not been very active in this project.

I have now released v1.16.5 which hopefulyl resolves this issue. Please test this new version and report back to verify the issue has been resolved, thanks.

No worries! This is an amazing project that you opted to create and are able to take a break with life and all. I don't seem to have an issue with this. Thank you so much!


Thanks. Yes this project was in the first place never intended to become popular. It could be a full time job but I'm not getting paid so it's just something I do in my spare time.

That's why I tell people not to get their hopes up for awesome features coming. It's just a simple tool and will always be because of the its funding (spare time)