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Feature request: vite_picture_tag

mattbrictson opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Rails introduced a picture_tag helper earlier this year. It is on the main branch (not yet released) and presumably will be part of Rails 7.1.

Describe the solution you'd like

I'd like to see a vite_picture_tag wrapper, perhaps with an implementation like this:

def vite_picture_tag(*sources, &block)
  options = sources.extract_options!
  vite_sources = sources.map { |src| vite_asset_path(src) }
  # Delegate to ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper#picture_tag
  picture_tag(*vite_sources, options, &block)

Describe alternatives you've considered

The tag helper is syntax sugar; <picture> tags can of course still be created manually without too much effort:

tag.picture do
  tag.source srcset: vite_asset_path("images/one.png")
  tag.source srcset: vite_asset_path("images/two.png")
  vite_image_tag("images/two.png", alt: "example")


vite_picture_tag("images/one.png", "images/two.png", image: {alt: "example"})

Additional context

I'd be happy to contribute a PR, but I am wondering: should I wait until Rails 7.1 is released?

Hi Matt!

Sounds reasonable to add vite_picture_tag once picture_tag is released.

To avoid users from attempting to use it in older versions of Rails it might be preferable to do something like:

if defined?(Rails) && Rails.gem_version >= Gem::Version.new("7.1")
  def vite_picture_tag(*sources, &block)