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[Book exercises]: Deitel & Deitel - "C and C++ How To Program" - solutions to exercises

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#Deitel & Deitel - "C and C++ How To Program" - solutions to exercises


Here you can find my solutions for Deitel & Deitel - "C How To Program"

If you are looking for Deitel & Deitel - "C++ How To Program" solutions instead, look here.

The code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty (correctness, safety, etc).

Consider that exercises enumeration is based on italian translation of the book (english 5th edition); likely (I hope) it will be the same for others. Furthermore it's all work in progress.

How to contribute

If you wrote an exercise(s) solution(s) that I haven't done, feel free to send it (them) to me. Please, contact me also if you've found any bug in the sources on the web.

  • write your code (variable names, comments, strings etc) in english;
  • please, test your code before sending it: it must work as expected by exercise question;
  • don't, I repeat, don't copy and paste from copyrighted material available online;
  • every solution must be based only on chapter stuff or concepts from previous chapters: not on stuff to be explained yet;
  • please send me files like xx_yy.c (where xx == chapter, yy == exercise_number);
  • tell me if you don't want to be mentioned in the contributors list;
  • I will not specify "who made what". If you want the code paternity to be knowable, put a comment like /*Solution provided by foo*/ or something similar;
  • The solutions will checked be with
 gcc -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic xx_yy.c 

and if badly (badly) indented, cleaned up with Emacs.

You are welcome to:

Contributors, so far



[Book exercises]: Deitel & Deitel - "C and C++ How To Program" - solutions to exercises