Edujugon / PushNotification

PHP and Laravel Package to send push notifications to Android and IOS devices.

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Migrating from legacy FCM to HTTP v1

shaffe-fr opened this issue · comments


The FCM implementation of this package was deprecated in June 2023 and will be removed in June 2024. We must now use the HTTP v1 API.

Here are the main changes I identified:

  • We must authenticate using Oauth v2 using credentials stored in a JSON file
  • The endpoint has changed to<PROJECT_ID>/messages:send
  • It's no longer possible to target multiple devices in the same request, we must send multiple request ourselves.
  • The payload format has changed.
// Android
  "to": "/topics/news",
  "notification": {
    "title": "Breaking News",
    "body": "New news story available.",
    "click_action": "TOP_STORY_ACTIVITY"
  "data": {
    "story_id": "story_12345"
// Apple
  "to": "/topics/news",
  "notification": {
    "title": "Breaking News",
    "body": "New news story available.",
    "click_action": "HANDLE_BREAKING_NEWS"
  "data": {
    "story_id": "story_12345"


  "message": {
    "topic": "news",
    "notification": {
      "title": "Breaking News",
      "body": "New news story available."
    "data": {
      "story_id": "story_12345"
    "android": {
      "notification": {
        "click_action": "TOP_STORY_ACTIVITY"
    "apns": {
      "payload": {
        "aps": {
          "category" : "NEW_MESSAGE_CATEGORY"

Are you planning to work on this @Edujugon?


Is there any action on this ticket? Obviously this will be a pretty critical issue for a lot of people if the library is not updated before the cut-off date. Also, is there any suggestion from Google about how aggressively they will turn off the legacy features they have flagged. I feel like their might be other library maintainers who have let this one slip and so I do wonder if Firebase will really precipitously pull the pin?

Hi, the PR #171 should solve this issue.