EduardoPazz / dotfiles

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fukuda's dotfiles

My configuration files for Linux. I try to keep all important configurations here as I frequently wipe my notebook, create servers and VMs but always like to keep things the same.

How to use:

First you must clone, download, reproduce, reverse engineer or otherwise acquire this repository. The easier way goes like this:

git clone
cd dotfiles

This install script installs Starship's requirements (but you still have to put some things on your .bashrc) and NeoVim's VimPlug, BUT -- this is the most important part of install -- it also configures .dotfiles.path on the home directory, which helps some of my scripts find home through the environmental variable DF.

Then just use stow to manage the many SymLinks (or create them your own if you are a digital masochist).

Stow installs packages and there are three packages in this repository:

  • Base: Programs that have the capability to be run on any computer (server, pc, disposable, smartphone... You name it)
  • Gui: Programs that I use for my graphical interface (servers for example won't have this)
  • Extras: Might use, might not... Who knows. These programs are not that useful or are otherwise situational

For every package you want installed, just do:

stow -t ~ -S <package_name>

Where package name is one of base, gui or extras.

And to remove said packages, just do:

stow -t ~ -D <package_name>


Here in this repository are configuration files for the following programs:


  • bash (Linux' shell)
  • neovim (text editor)
  • starship (multi shell prompt)
  • tmux (terminal window manager)


  • alacritty (terminal)
  • dunst (notification daemon)
  • i3-gaps (window manager)
  • picom (window compositor)
  • polybar (i3status alternative)
  • qutebrowser (vim-like browser)
  • rofi (launcher)


  • elinks (terminal browser)

And here

is a list of some other programs I (sometimes) like to use with the ones mentioned above:


Almost indispensable programs

  • cmake
  • docker (containers)
  • entr (command executer when modifying files)
  • gcc
  • git (version manager)
  • keepassxc-cli (password manager)
  • screenkey (shows keypress on screen)
  • stow (symlink farm manager)
  • tomb (encrypted files as device)
  • torbrowser (private browser)
  • transmission (torrent client)
  • weechat (IRC client)
  • xdotool (automate keystrokes and clicks)
  • xournalpp (wacom tablet note taking)
  • zathura (pdf reader)

Bloated favorites

My guilty pleasures

  • bat (cat alternative)
  • exa (ls alternative)
  • fd (find alternative)
  • feh (for background image)
  • gpick (color palette manager)
  • ripgrep (grep alternative)

Neutral stance

Neither good nor bad... Useful nonetheless

  • autotools
  • bluetoothctl (bluetooth devices manager)
  • bluez (bluetooth firmware)
  • chrony (Network Time Protocol daemon)
  • grub
  • light (hardware brightness control)
  • networkmanager
  • noto-fonts (special characters)
  • openssh
  • teeldear (man, but tips and tricks)
  • ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono (symbols)
  • vlc (media player)
  • xorg-server (window server)
  • xorg-xinit


Alternative programs that might substitute some of the above mentioned

  • dmenu (launcher)
  • i3status (status bar)
  • librewolf (browser)
  • lxd (containers on linux)
  • vim (text editor)
  • zsh (shell)



Language:Python 56.2%Language:Shell 26.5%Language:Vim Script 16.7%Language:C++ 0.3%Language:GDB 0.1%Language:C 0.1%Language:Rust 0.1%