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Addition of more title forms

KristinaRichts opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible to add title type="other" and title type="naturalized" or title type""established" (for so called "eingebürgerte Titel") on work level?

The current attributes come from the definition of <title> (https://music-encoding.org/guidelines/v4/elements/title.html). As long as we don't tackle any changes there, I wouldn't include any more @type. Because then we wouldn't have good documentation for how to understand the terms. But you can still make the additions in the local MerMEId. Namely in the file: main_form_work.xml

I agree with @gucl-mu. The MerMEId should adhere to the suggested values provided by the MEI Guidelines – if you need other values, that'd be a project specific customization.

Thanks for your replies. Sorry, but I'm not convinced. The MEI Guidelines explicitly state that these are only example values for the type attribute. If you look in the common library rules, there is the form of the so-called "differing title" or "variant title" (Abweichender Titel) that I am referring to (although I don't know what the correct translation term would be). There are always title forms that are established, but do not correspond to the main title or parallel title or alternative title. The RDA say the following about it: "The variant title is a standard element in the description of a continuing resource or integrating resource (RDA 2.3.6 D-A-CH). For other types of resources, catalogers have the discretion to include one or more variant titles if it is considered important for the identification or searchability of a resource. A variant title is a title associated with a resource that is different from the title recorded as the main title, a parallel title, title supplements, parallel title supplements, earlier main titles, later main titles, key titles, or short titles." With this in mind, I would consider adding the title type="other" or variant as it might be relevant for more than one project.

I have added "varying title" and "other" to the main_form_work.xml file, and of course the empty_doc.xml file needs to be changed as well. I have opened a PR for this, so you can take the code for your local instance. I would suggest we discuss this at the next IG meeting. If all are in favour, it can be done quickly. I'm not sure I understand the difference between "alternative" and "varying" titles. Maybe you, @KristinaRichts, can explain it a bit more then.

@gucl-mu I believe the idiomatic term is "variant" title like @KristinaRichts says, not "varying". Varying suggests something unstable, something changing over time. Variant title is a stable title differing from what is considered the main or normalised title. Whether "alternative" is actually synonymous with "variant" I cannot say for sure.