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TextFacsimileSplitView: TEI Facsimile not loading

riedde opened this issue · comments

The TEI facsimile view was fixed at #356 #339
Maybe a side-effect

@bwbohl seems that the FacsimileView is renewed now, but the similar code for the TextFacsimileSplitView needs the same. I tried it, but my skills on this are not too bad to manage.

@bwbohl and @nikobeer could you please provide some more information about this isse and what already was happening. could especially some information regarding openseadragon be helpful?

The views of text and facsimile are working separately, but the split view of both text and facsimile is not working because the facsimile is not displayed:

Side comment concerning tei-facsimileView: There is an Issue in the TaMuDi-Project to have the svg overlays also in TEI-facsimiles and not only in the (mei) sourceView. When the facsimile view is touched it can be thought about activating the overlays there. I'm willing to help.

After comparing @bwbohl changes in FacsimileViewer.js for a similar error maybe view.setImageSet(pages); in line 66 of TextFacsimileSplitView.js has to be changed to me.pagesLoaded(pages, view);?

@obertsalome Is this facsimile also referenced via a IIIF-Uri like in the example in #339 ?

If the error is not fixed in the current version of develop you could give fix/370-tei-split-viewa try. I implemented my suggestions from two weeks ago.

@Diginaut did you test this?

Also the probelm is, that the split view is missing a statement about openSeadragon as viewer.

@Diginaut I guess you will need to add the definition of pagesLoaded at the bottom as well, like in

pagesLoaded: function (pages, view) {

@musicEnfanthen Thanks for the hint. I will have a look at this and try to implement the OpenSeadragon for the TextFaksimileSplitView.

#370 (comment)

@obertsalome Is this facsimile also referenced via a IIIF-Uri like in the example in #339 ?

@musicEnfanthen Yes, e.g.:

        <surface n="I">
                <graphic xml:id="libretto-edition_page_i" url="https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/1832534529-0001" height="2721px" width="2283px"/>

Ok, principally I got it working but here are some prerequisites that have to be met, before the TextFacsimileSplitView will be available for your text:

  • #TextFacsimileSplitView will be available if the XML file
    • getLinkTarget.xql: exists($doc//tei:facsimile//tei:graphic) and exists($doc//tei:pb[@facs])
      • is in the TEI namespace,
      • has a tei:facsimile tree with at least one tei:graphic and
      • contains at least one tei:pb with a @facs attribute
    • but the text will only be properly rendered if
      • getText.qxl:
        • there is at least a second tei:pb following the one associated with your page [EDITED]
        • the tei:pb elements have @n attributes encoded


  • The tei:pb/@facs attributes have to point to a tei:surface/@xml:id

@obertsalome and @peterstadler please test, you can download a deployable Edirom Online with this fix from the Action run at : https://github.com/Edirom/Edirom-Online/actions/runs/9780399110/artifacts/1664499941

@bwbohl: It got worse 😢 now only the facsimile-view is working...

@obertsalome Could you share a minimal XML file that can be used for testing?

for me it is working, so yes, a minimal XML example would be appreciated

@Diginaut, did your pagesLoaded function fix the issue for you?

@obertsalome added a LATER OBSERVATIONS section to the above note #370 (comment) concerning the required TEI-MarkUp