EddyVerbruggen / cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller

:tiger: :elephant: :crocodile: Forget InAppBrowser for iOS - this is way better for displaying read-only web content in your PhoneGap app

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Safari Empty (or new) Session

m0dch3n opened this issue · comments

I successfully got my oAuth Flow working with this plugin and with the custom url sheme, I can transfer my accessToken to my app too.

When I use Android, my session from my chrome browser also already gets used.

(so if i.e. I'm logged in chrome with my facebook account, I no longer need to login again under the custom chrome tab browser from my app)

However if I use IOS, and if I'm logged in to facebook, within Safari, I still need to reenter the auth credentials from facebook, before I can continue.

So it seems, that under IOS, the opened Safari Browser does not use the existing session from the OS safari, but a new one.

How can I use the session from the OS safari ?