EddyVerbruggen / SSLCertificateChecker-PhoneGap-Plugin

:passport_control: Prevent Man in the Middle attacks with this Cordova plugin

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Very strange problem with Android and iOS

bau720123 opened this issue · comments

I am using PGB 3.3 with your latest plugin 3.2 and as same as your sample code

in Android 4.0.3,it will show,CONNECTION_FAILED.Details: null
in ios 7.0.6,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE

I think probably this problem

Hi, what is the exact URL you're checking the certificate for? Can you paste the exact line of code, like this:
window.plugins.sslCertificateChecker.check(successCallback, errorCallback, server, fingerprint);

HI @EddyVerbruggen
my code is totally as same as you

because of your sample code use "build.phonegap.com" domain
by coincidence,this is just my problem also occurs at the same time

So I'm just wondering that if the "build.phonegap.com"'s SSL certificate had been "expired" or "out of date" or something happened by them...Therefore indirectly affect your program

Yeah, could be. If all is fine now, I don't see a reason to keep this open.

Hi @EddyVerbruggen
I found the real reason

in Android 4.0.3,it will show,CONNECTION_FAILED.Details: null
in Android 4.1.1,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE
in ios 7.0.6,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE

only in 4.0.3 have this situation


I've just tried the plugin on a 4.0.3 emulator and get a CONNECTION_SECURE.

So I don't think it's related to the Android version. Do you have any other ideas what the difference could be with your 4.1.1 device? Are they both on the same WiFi network for example?

I don't think I can make any change to this plugin which will help your 4.0.3 device. I think it's best to allow the connection unless you get a CONNECTION_NOT_SECURE.

thanks @EddyVerbruggen
same or not same network are all tried it
but the same situation
I'll try again and take a attention to this
tks again

Hi @EddyVerbruggen
as last time I said (same network and same code)

all are real machine
in Android 4.0.3,it will show,CONNECTION_FAILED.Details: null
in Android 4.1.1,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE
in Android 4.1.2,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE => a new test
in Android 4.2.1,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE => a new test
in ios 7.0.6,it will show,CONNECTION_SECURE

maybe only in 4.0.3 or < 4.1 have this situation
so...I just feedback some information for you
if one day you or your friend have a real machine with Android < 4.1,maybe you can try to see ^^|||