EddyVerbruggen / SSLCertificateChecker-PhoneGap-Plugin

:passport_control: Prevent Man in the Middle attacks with this Cordova plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Secure Connections returning CONNECTION_NOT_SECURE

zag-steve opened this issue · comments



I've tested a number of domain and fingerprint combinations and the only one that seems to work is the demo url https://build.phonegap.com.

window.plugins.sslCertificateChecker.check(function(m) {console.log(m);}, function(m) {console.log(m);}, "https://build.phonegap.com", "2B 24 1B E0 D0 8C A6 41 68 C2 BB E3 60 0A DF 55 1A FC A8 45");

Others I have tested:

window.plugins.sslCertificateChecker.check(function(m) {console.log(m);}, function(m) {console.log(m);}, "https://github.com", "‎A0 C4 A7 46 00 ED A7 2D C0 BE CB 9A 8C B6 07 CA 58 EE 74 5E");

window.plugins.sslCertificateChecker.check(function(m) {console.log(m);}, function(m) {console.log(m);}, "https://www.google.co.nz", "‎77 FF 51 51 BB 5F B7 16 24 53 A7 C5 5B 54 E0 AD 7F 7E 5F 66");

window.plugins.sslCertificateChecker.check(function(m) {console.log(m);}, function(m) {console.log(m);}, "https://www.grc.com", "12 91 D8 D9 E4 9F 14 AB DE E3 D5 9C 42 F6 AF 61 FE F4 0E 05 D7 CC 4B 43 A0 D0 ED F7 32 B7 1B EA");

They all return "CONNECTION_NOT_SECURE" on both Android (Samsung S6 5.1.1) and iOS (iPad 9.2.1).

The test application was created in phoneGapBuild first using cli 5.2.0 and then 3.7.0. Using version 5.0.0 of the plugin, source npm.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Copy and Paste Error.... d:o(

hello, i have same issue because certificate have non-ascii character at begin, hope this will help

static cerFingerPrint: string = "‎7A:D1:7B:AC:90:39:61:4B:57:50:1D:DC:69:87:E8:04:BC:A4:47:95".replace(/:/g, " ").replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "");

i have same issue but usin version 6.0.0.
The demo url https://build.phonegap.com work fine, but not another url's.

Any help?
