EddyVerbruggen / Calendar-PhoneGap-Plugin

:date: Cordova plugin to Create, Change, Delete and Find Events in the native Calendar

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IOS - recurrenceByDay is not set

buymybm100 opened this issue · comments

For a recurrence such as "Repeat weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays" , the option recurrenceByDay is not being set on IOS.

let calOptions = window.plugins.calendar.getCalendarOptions(); // grab the defaults
calOptions.recurrence = 'weekly; // supported are: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
calOptions.recurrenceByDay="MO,WE,FR"; // ignored

I have the same problem。recurrenceByDay = ‘MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU’ is ignored