EddieHubCommunity / infrastructure

EddieHub apps infrastructure as code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Service not reachable from the outside

eddiejaoude opened this issue · comments

Deployed apps are not reachable on the domain. For example linkfree.eddiehubcommunity.org displays

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

But it is running and available by port forwarding locally

kubectl port-forward service/eddiehub-linkfree-service 8000:5000
Forwarding from -> 5000
Forwarding from [::1]:8000 -> 5000

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@eddiejaoude is the nginx-ingress controller setup correctly with the load balancer?

if yes, check following

  • nginx-ingress controller is default or else add annotation to ingress kubernetes.io/ingress.class=your-ingress-class

Thanks @dipakparmar I will have a look 👍

@eddiejaoude should the link be:


I tried it and it brings you here:

Let me know if this is your intent.

Thanks @kselena , do you mean this link https://linkfree.eddiehub.io/EddieHubCommunity ? yep it should go to the EddieHub LinkFree profile

I have one also http://linkfree.eddiehub.io/eddiejaoude , when are you adding your profile? You get a GitHub green square 😉

@eddiejaoude my apologies. I thought this was an issue that I could work on, but it's a bit beyond me. Sorry!