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[BUG] X-axis Labels and Bars Misalignment on Profile Views Chart

loftwah opened this issue · comments

Has this bug been raised before?

  • I have checked "open" AND "closed" issues and this is not a duplicate

Where did you find this bug?


Version of BioDrop (for example "v1.2.3")




On the BioDrop analytics profile views chart, there is a misalignment between the x-axis labels and the corresponding bars. The first bar, representing the data for 01/01/2024, does not start directly above its label but slightly to the right. This misalignment persists throughout the chart, potentially affecting data interpretation.

Expected Behavior

Each bar should start directly above its corresponding x-axis label to ensure clear and accurate representation of the data.

Possible Solution

Adjust the chart rendering logic to align the start of each bar directly above the center of its respective x-axis label.

Additional Information

  • Issue observed on the 'Profile Views' chart for the last 30 days.
  • Screenshot attached for reference.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the BioDrop account dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the 'Statistics' section.
  3. Observe the alignment of the bars with the x-axis labels.



Do you want to work on this issue?


If "yes" to above, please explain how you would technically implement this

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Hey @loftwah ! I'm not able to reproduce this but this issue has been open awhile. Are you still experiencing it?

@loftwah Even same, I'm not able to reproduce the issue on my side too

Interesting I was only looking at this the other day and it was still there. Seems to be fixed now.


Thanks @loftwah and @Vijaykv5 for checking again. I'll close for now since it appears to be resolved.

ℹ️ amandamartin-dev has some opened assigned issues: 🔧View assigned issues


I managed to recreate the issue. It is when I use it on my MacBook Pro. Maybe something to do with the resolution?

@loftwah ran a responsive test, I've been on a mac teting both times. I'm seeing the chart respond to changes in viewport. Will leave closed for now as I think the time it would take to track this down versus the impact to users may not be very high at this time. Wdyt?


Yeah if it is only my user it doesn't really matter. I could trace it down to being a strange bug to do with date formatting and locale. It doesn't always appear for me. You always have this if you notice it happens for anyone else.

thanks Dean for tracking it down! 👍

@loftwah ran a responsive test, I've been on a mac teting both times. I'm seeing the chart respond to changes in viewport. Will leave closed for now as I think the time it would take to track this down versus the impact to users may not be very high at this time. Wdyt?


Just noticed your test is showing the issue. There is a blank day on the left of the chart? It is showing the day from the previous month on your chart too.
