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[BUG] Account/Manage/Link button pointing to undefined.

girl-loves-coding opened this issue · comments

Has this bug been raised before?

  • I have checked "open" AND "closed" issues and this is not a duplicate

Where did you find this bug?


Version of BioDrop (for example "v1.2.3")



The button preview is pointing to undefined.

image image

Steps to Reproduce

If you know the steps, follow the below format and provide steps to reproduce

For example:

  1. Go to https://www.biodrop.io/account/manage/link/{your link} page.
  2. Check the preview link button
  3. All the buttons for me show undefined


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Do you want to work on this issue?


If "yes" to above, please explain how you would technically implement this

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To reduce notifications, issues are locked until they are 🏁 status: ready for dev You can asked for this issue to be assigned (if not already assigned) and to be assigned. You can learn more in our contributing guide https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md

The issue has been unlocked and is now ready for dev. If you would like to work on this issue, you can comment to have it assigned to you. You can learn more in our contributing guide https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md

Great spot, thank you for raising the issue 👍 I will look into it

ℹ️ eddiejaoude has some opened assigned issues: 🔧View assigned issues

@eddiejaoude I think passing _id here will fix the issue link={{ name, url, icon, animation, _id: link._id }}
Edit: This will only work on edit link if i try to add a new link it will break

Great point @sital002 👍 for the edit the id will solve it 💯 , I also created a workaround for when adding a new link and the click will still work - I just raised the PR #10164

ℹ️ eddiejaoude has some opened assigned issues: 🔧View assigned issues