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Testimonial Delay

dhruvabhat24 opened this issue · comments

Has this bug been raised before?

  • I have checked "open" AND "closed" issues and this is not a duplicate

Where did you find this bug?

Testimonial Section

Version of BioDrop (for example "v1.2.3")



I have received one testimonial a day before even that is closed #10144
But till now it is not displayed in my profile

Steps to Reproduce

edited by eddiejaoude

  1. create testimonial via issue
  2. testimonial not loaded until next deployment


No response

Do you want to work on this issue?


If "yes" to above, please explain how you would technically implement this

edited by eddiejaoude

  1. trigger deploy on new testimonial
  2. copy the curl command from the deployment GitHub Action to the Testimonial Action

run: curl -L -f https://biodrop.io/api/system/testimonials-forms?secret=${{ secrets.BIODROP_API_SECRET }}

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@dhruvabhat24 I believe it is visible now. But I'll open the repo for conversation to check if this delay is happening to more people. We can have a discussion on this issue is persists!

Yes now it is visible. I think it's better to make an announcement that if anyone is facing the same issue then they can discuss here

A new issue can be raised if it happens again, and we can then prioritise it again - but it seemed like it was a one off 🤞

ℹ️ eddiejaoude has some opened assigned issues: 🔧View assigned issues

@eddiejaoude I have received one more testimonial and facing the same issue as earlier. sorry for raising the same issue again and again.

No problem, but it has only been 1 hour since the testimonial - please can we give it time to see if the standard workflow works

ℹ️ eddiejaoude has some opened assigned issues: 🔧View assigned issues

It's been more than 48 hours and it didn't fetch

Yes, testimonials are reloaded when the app is deployed, you can see the code here https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop/blob/main/.github/workflows/vercel.yml#L55

From the deploy GitHub Action there has been no deployments for 3 days https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop/actions/workflows/vercel.yml

I think the code to load the testimonials should be moved from the deploy app to the testimonials GH Action

run: curl -L -f https://biodrop.io/api/system/testimonials-forms?secret=${{ secrets.BIODROP_API_SECRET }}

I have manually reloaded testimonials, please check your account now

ℹ️ eddiejaoude has some opened assigned issues: 🔧View assigned issues

I have checked now but still it is displayed on account I think you need to make the testimonial sections to GitHub actions

The issue has been unlocked and is now ready for dev. If you would like to work on this issue, you can comment to have it assigned to you. You can learn more in our contributing guide https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/BioDrop/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md

Hi! I'd like to help with this. Although I do not know about GH Actions (yet), I'm willing to learn on the go. I read about it and here's what I think needs to be done:

  • At present, the code to reload the testimonials lies in the vercel.yml file, where testimonials are only reloaded when the load-data job runs, which depends on the deploy workflow.
  • So I should figure out a way to update the testimonials without needing the deploy job to run.

Am I correct? Also, do I have to make changes to the testimonial.yml or just to vercel.yml?