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TYPO3 extension to send newsletter

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Cannot view newsletter page with pageNotFound_handling

mbrodala opened this issue · comments

If I try to view a newly created page planned for newsletter submission, all I get is a minimal page like this in the module content:

Not Found

The requested URL /typo3/404/ was not found on this server.

The 404/ part comes from our pageNotFound_handling which is meant for frontend and working well:

return [
    // ...
    'FE' => [
        // ...
        'pageNotFound_handling' => '404/',
        // ...
    // ...

As soon as as I uncomment that option, the module shows up fine.

Any idea what's wrong?

Do you mean /typo3/index.php?M=web_NewsletterTxNewsletterM1&id=123 shows an error ? or is the actual newsletter content that show an error ?

As soon as I switch to the System mails module and click on a new (as in: not yet sent) newsletter page, I see the mentioned message. I see this in the network panel:

  • index.php?M=web_NewsletterTxNewsletterM1&moduleToken=<hash>&id=<newsletter-page-id>, status 303
  • 404/, status 404

System mails is not part of Newsletter, I am not sure what you are referring to. You will most likely have to debug it by yourself. It might be an incompatibility with TYPO3 8 which is not yet supported. But you can still try to provide a screenshot with more details...

Ah, sorry, the module label was simply changed for a customer project, aside from that it's the default module without any change.

And we are using TYPO3 v7 here, Newsletter was just updated to 3.0.2.

@PowerKiKi Could you have another look at this? I'm also trying to debug this currently.

We do use 'pageNotFound_handling' => '/service/404-error/', in our projects also, but without any problems. I am afraid I can't help you more, because I cannot replicate. You'll have to dig in the code to find out what's going on. I suggest removing all other extensions first, and see if it still happens...

If I change it to /404/ I actually get our dedicated frontend 404 page, but no change. I'll have a look since currently the module is not usable for us. This did work fine on TYPO3 6.2 however.

It's really weird. I've now tracked it down like this:

  1. ModuleController::indexAction()
  2. UriBuilder::buildFrontendUri()
  3. UriBuilder::createUriBuilder()
  4. TypoScriptFrontendController::fetch_the_id()
  5. TypoScriptFrontendController::findDomainRecord() and PageRepository::getDomainStartPage()
  6. TypoScriptFrontendController::getPageAndRootlineWithDomain()

Since typo3/index.php is passed as $path to PageRepository::getDomainStartPage() TYPO3 is unable to find a domain record matching

I wonder what I am missing here...

Are you on 3.0.2 or 3.2.0 ? If not, update to latest 3.2.0 for 177953e

Ah sorry, I'm in fact on 3.2.0, thus the very latest release.

OK, I found the actual issue: the page to process was disabled and for some unknown reason the usual Hidden icon overlay was not shown, thus I didn't notice. Due to this the page obviously could not be accessed except from BE previews.

Now preparing the page an adding it to the queue did work just fine.

Here's a screenshot for reference:


(As you can see: no icon.)

Glad you coud find the issue and thanks for reporting back.