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애플 개발자 문서 한글 번역

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본 문서는 Apple 개발자 페이지의 Documentation을 번역합니다.

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App Frameworks

Graphics and Games

  • AGL
  • ARKit
  • ColorSync
  • Core Animation
  • Core Graphics
  • Core Image
  • Game Controller
  • GameKit
  • GameplayKit
  • GLKit
  • Image I/O
  • Metal
  • Metal Performance Shaders
  • MetalKit
  • Model I/O
  • OpenGL ES
  • PDFKit
  • PencilKit
  • Quartz
  • RealityKit
  • ReplayKit
  • SceneKit
  • SpriteKit
  • Vision

App Services

  • Accounts
  • AddressBook
  • AddressBookUI
  • AdSupport
  • App Store Receipts
  • ApplicationServices
  • BackgroundTasks
  • Business Chat
  • Business Chat REST API
  • CallKit
  • CarPlay
  • ClassKit
  • ClockKit
  • CloudKit
  • Combine
  • Contacts
  • ContactsUI
  • Core Data
  • Core Foundation
  • Core Location
  • Core ML
  • Core Motion
  • Core Spotlight
  • Core Text
  • Create ML
  • DeviceCheck
  • EventKit
  • EventKitUI
  • FileProvider
  • FileProviderUI
  • HealthKit
  • HomeKit
  • iAd
  • JavaScriptCore
  • MapKit
  • Messages
  • MessageUI
  • MultipeerConnectivity
  • Natural Language
  • NewsstandKit
  • NotificationCenter
  • PassKit (Apple Pay and Wallet)
  • PreferencePanes
  • PushKit
  • QuickLook
  • QuickLookThumbnailing
  • SafariServices
  • SiriKit
  • SMS and Call Reporting
  • Social
  • Speech
  • StoreKit
  • TVServices
  • UserNotifications
  • UserNotificationsUI
  • WatchConnectivity
  • WebKit


  • Apple News
  • AssetsLibrary
  • AudioToolbox
  • AudioUnit
  • AVFoundation
  • AVKit
  • Core Audio
  • Core Audio Kit
  • Core Audio Types
  • Core Haptics
  • Core Media
  • Core MIDI
  • Core Video
  • FxPlug
  • HTTP Live Streaming
  • iTunesLibrary
  • Media Player
  • MediaAccessibility
  • MediaLibrary
  • PhotoKit
  • Professional Video Applications
  • QTKit
  • ScreenSaver
  • SoundAnalysis
  • VideoToolbox
  • VisionKit


Developer Tools



애플 개발문서 번역하는 개인 프로젝트