ESMCI / cmeps-cime

This is a "fork" of the cime repository that has the development version of the nuopc CMEPS driver and mediator

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bug in esmFlds.F90

mvertens opened this issue · comments

There are several calls esmFlds.F90 that use the wrong field index to initialize a mapping type:
As an example below - the fldindex n2 only applies to the compocn component but is being used in adding a map to the compatm component. The !BUG identifies the problem lines that will be removed and the !NEW specifies the fix that will be implemented.

  longname = 'Downward longwave heat flux'
  stdname  = 'downwelling_longwave_flux'
  units    = 'W m-2'
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddMetadata(fldname='Faxa_lwdn', longname=longname, stdname=stdname, units=units)
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddMetadata(fldname='Foxx_lwdn', longname=longname, stdname=stdname, units=units)
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddFld(fldListFr(compatm)%flds, 'Faxa_lwdn', fldindex=n1)
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddFld(fldListTo(complnd)%flds, 'Faxa_lwdn')
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddFld(fldListTo(compice)%flds, 'Faxa_lwdn')
!BUG    call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddFld(fldListTo(compocn)%flds, 'Foxx_lwdn', fldindex=n2)
!NEW    call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddFld(fldListTo(compocn)%flds, 'Foxx_lwdn')
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddMap(fldListFr(compatm)%flds(n1), compatm, complnd, mapconsf, 'one', atm2lnd_fmapname)
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddMap(fldListFr(compatm)%flds(n1), compatm, compice, mapconsf, 'one', atm2ice_fmapname)
  call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddMap(fldListFr(compatm)%flds(n1), compatm, compocn, mapconsf, 'one', atm2ocn_fmapname)
!BUG call shr_nuopc_fldList_AddMap(fldListFr(compatm)%flds(n2), compatm, compocn, mapconsf, 'one', atm2ocn_fmapname)