EQUENOS / dislash.py

A Python wrapper for discord slash-commands and buttons, designed to extend discord.py.

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TypeError: emoji() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

eltaylor1104 opened this issue · comments

    async def emoji(ctx):
    @emoji.sub_command(description="steal an emoji with an option to lock it to a role", options=[Option("emoji", "an emoji to steal", OptionType.STRING, required=True),
    Option("role", "A role to lock this emoji to. (User must have this role to use emoji)", OptionType.ROLE)], guild_ids=bonbot_support)
    async def steal(self, ctx, emoji, role):
        c = commands.EmojiConverter() # create instance
        emoji_final = await c.convert(emoji) 
        # fetch the emoji asset and read it as bytes.
        emoji_bytes = await emoji_final.read()

        emoji_roles = [role]
        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name=emoji_final.name, image=emoji_bytes, roles=emoji_roles)
        await ctx.send("Created emoji!", ephemeral=True)

I get this error when I run this code, I even added print("number") after every step and it doesn't print anything. Not sure what is happening, I have asked for help in several servers and nobody can figure it out. When I run the same code as a regular command, (removing the components parts) it works flawlessly. Full error: https://mystb.in/UrwPutsGarlic.apache

You forgot self in async def emoji
Also, I suspect that you forgot to pass ctx to c.convert
Let me know if it works

thanks so much, that worked. I can't believe I missed something so simple, here I was thinking it was something super big.