EOSChronicleProject / eos-chronicle

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Debug should be off by default

ericpassmore opened this issue · comments

Get the following error running a pinned build on chronicle-v2x branch. This is due to debug set on in root level CMakeList.txt. Typically debug is off by default.

CHAINBASE: "receiver-state" database was created with a chainbase from a different environment
Current compiler environment:
       Compiler: Clang 11.0.1
          Debug: Yes
             OS: Linux
           Arch: x86_64
          Boost: 1.80.0
DB created with compiler environment:
       Compiler: Clang 11.0.1
          Debug: No
             OS: Linux
           Arch: x86_64
          Boost: 1.80.0
warn  2023-07-03T20:52:34.178 chronicle receiver_plugin.cpp:1807      plugin_initialize    ] 13 N5boost10wrapexceptINSt3__112system_errorEEE: Database incompatible; All environment parameters must match
rethrow Database incompatible; All environment parameters must match: 
    {"what":"Database incompatible; All environment parameters must match"}
    chronicle-recei  receiver_plugin.cpp:1807 plugin_initialize