EMart86 / TWAS

Together We Are Strong - is the name of a new crypto coin

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TWAS - Together We Are Strong

Imagine a world, where noone is facing disadvanteges..

Aim of this exchange-good (because currency is a restricted name) is to change the common problems of this century to allow the whole world to become liveable.

Disadvantege of our current system is:

As an employee:

  • your income is restricted to a contract with your employer
  • if you want to buy something more expensive and you don't have enough savings, you will have to take a loan and pay it off
  • in order to get this credit, your bank wants a life insurrance contract or other securities, which you will also have to pay or provide
  • you are forced to earn more and more because inflation is decreasing your income
  • some marriages are destroyed by expectations to be rich and have a wonderful life as advertised by influencers but due to restricted income, this expectation can hardly be met
  • you are forced to create you own business in order to gain more money instead of getting payed well or take a second or third job
  • due to high expectations you are not looking well after your health which could result in heart attacks, cancer or other stresscausing deseases
  • due to high expectations you are forced to work in a business or in a job that you might not like
  • your influence only counts for a short period if you protest and if media is in your favour
  • you are being promised, that everything will change for the good but when the next big story is in the media, it will be most likely forgotten

As a rich:

  • you can move your income into low-tax countries or offshore islands
  • you can have a high impact on political decissions and mostly it is in your favour
  • you can invest in businesses and/or financial bonds that could give you advantages in financial terms
  • greedy companies exploit nature and human resource in favour of shareholders

As a poor/homeless:

  • you are dependend on state or private organisation welfare
  • you get promises by political party to vote for them but after the election, promises are mostly forgotten or are not held
  • your vote seems not to count

Why are crypto currencyies not applicable for public purpose:

  • Crypto currencies are not distributed equally accross the whole population
  • One had to be an early adopter to start
  • Crypto currencies can be traded with real currencies, thus giving rich people the advantage to invest and bet on crypto performance and manipulation

My conclusions:

  • Money is more worth than a human being
  • We serve the money not the money serves us
  • Money is a regulatory to dictate human-being
  • Current crypto currencies are not usefull for public purpose



  • Everyone is equal
  • Everyone gets payed the same per hour worldwide (60 TWAS / hour)
  • Everyone gets an equal amount of TWAS when registered (50 years * 12 months * 30 days * 7h * 60 TWAS = 7.560.000,- TWAS)
  • Money is there to serve you not vice versa
  • There are only anual price changes for every good
  • Everyone payes the same amount of taxes per month worldwide to the country in which the person is then registered for living (to be defined)
  • The taxes are being used to operate the community and country e.g. schools, health care, streets, fresh water supplies, public transport, ..
  • Prices are calculated by amount of a good of a certain kind devided by amount of hours used by people to produce it plus the used material prices devided by duration broken down to months
  • Financial advantages (short FA) and their companies are forbitten e.g. Gambling businesses, Banks, Stock market, Foundations, ..
  • The money can NOT be exchanged in other currencies to be resistant against devaluations
  • The money is not transferable neighter after death nor as a gift. The account of the dead person will be closed.
  • Legacy is forbitten. If a property wants to be inherited, the property price has to be payed from the inheritant or inheritants to the state as a tax
  • Couples who get divorced, have to legally pay what the one owes to the other
  • Houseprises or property prices stay the same until a legitime investment has been done to improve or preserve the static
  • Public (state/community) accounts and their financial transfers can be viewed by everyone
  • TWAS can be printed and handed over as such for legal payments
  • Many people previously working for financial institues now can use their intellectual resource to investigate and calculate outerspace effects thus bringing the human race even further
  • Copmany owners need to fund their companies of a consortium of long term investors (can also be by their employees) with their ability to take part of the decission
  • TWAS will implement a board of (TBD) members of the world of ordinary people. They can be exchanged by a public voting system.

What is expected to change:


  • People are now working on what they really believe and what fulfills them
  • Many small, environmental-friendly farmers are expected to emerge thus producing local food with a completely low CO2 footprint
  • People are working hard on their achievements to prosper their business
  • Many small businesses are expected to emerge, because people see their chances of being able to fulfill their workdreams
  • Local business produces a smaller CO2 footprint because the demand-supply chain is in a local environment
  • Large companies are now financeable only through stakeholder shares
  • This influences the overall environment because one person can not decide over the whole company
  • Bad environmental decissions and in the past carried by one person, is expected to be understood and worked against by many of the stackeholders
  • Bribary is expected to be overcome
  • Prices are calculated once a year and take affect for every


  • Bribary is expected to be overcome because the politicans account is publicly visible
  • The government receives taxes from all its inhabitants equally
  • The government has to pay
  • for the infrastructure (strees, public transport, ..), because everyone can use it
  • for education (schools, kindergarten, universities, ..), because education should be very well in every part of the state
  • and for healthcare (medicine, hospitals, doctors, nurses, ..).


  • No person or organization is allowed to lend a credit in order to gain wealth through interrest rates.

What is not changing:

  • The democratic environment will stay as before.

This exchange-good is not allowed to be used as a religiouse representation!


Together We Are Strong - is the name of a new crypto coin