ECCE-EIC / tutorials

Our tutorials

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This tutorial respository carries a few example cases of analysis for sPHENIX collaboration.

  • Generators
    • eventgenerator_display: Display the output of our event generators in an empty world
  • Simulation setups
    • block: build a simple block-shaped detector in Geant4
    • cylinder: build a simple cylinder-shaped detector in Geant4
    • Momentum: simulation/reconstruction for quick tracker tuning
  • Simulation checks
    • materialscan: scan radiation and hadronic interaction length in ROOT command prompt
    • PHG4DSTReader: poke at simulation results with ROOT command lines. For official analysis please use analysis module such as the next a few items below
  • Example analysis modules
    • CreateSubsysRecoModule: Create a SubsysReco module template yourself - no cut and paste anymore
    • AnaTutorial: analysis tutorial with compiled module processing track, clusters and jets. See Recording and slides by Joe Osborn.
    • MyOwnTTree: two examples to create your own TTree using analysis module in the Fun4All framework
    • myjetanalysis: example to analysis jet and to perform jet fragmentation and jet shape analysis
    • CaloAna: example to fetch calorimeter hit, tower and clusters and save to a NTuple
  • JupyterLab: run the sPHENIX anaysis on the BNL SDCC Jupyter Lab web interface.

Useful links



Our tutorials


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