Dynmi / ESP8266-Homekit-4Relays

HomeKit with ESP8266-CH2102 for 4 relay-based Home Automation.

Repository from Github https://github.comDynmi/ESP8266-Homekit-4RelaysRepository from Github https://github.comDynmi/ESP8266-Homekit-4Relays

ESP8266 Homekit 4Relays


  • HomeKit with ESP8266-CH2102 for 4 relay-based Home Automation. It's to ontrol home appliances using IOS ecosystem's Apple HomeKit.
  • This single project doesn't include a gateway to support remote control.



  • ESP8266 CH2102 img


  • 4 Relays Module img

  • Power Supply 5/3.3V img

  • Jumping Wires

How to wire

ESP8266 & 4Relays :

D1 - INS1

D2 - INS2

D3 - INS3

D4 - INS4

3.3V - Relay VCC

4Relays & Power Supply :

JD-VCC - 5V Power Supply

Relay GND - Power Supply GND

ESP8266 & Power Supply :

VIN - 3.3V Power Supply

GND - GND Power Supply


  1. Ensure that your PC has installed ESP8266 CH2102 drivers.
  2. Connect ESP8266 with your PC through MicroUSB line.
  3. Flash the program into ESP8266.
    • Update line#17~18 in ./wifi_info.h with your WIFI config.
  4. Open Homekit, Find and bind with the switches.
    • Enter the homekit serial number: 20010221
  5. Unplug the MicroUSB line, then assemble all the components together, as well as the electric equipments you want to control.
  6. Get power supply, then it works.



HomeKit with ESP8266-CH2102 for 4 relay-based Home Automation.


Language:C 57.8%Language:C++ 42.2%