DylanCaiCoding / ViewBindingKTX

The most comprehensive utils of ViewBinding. (最全面的 ViewBinding 工具,支持 Kotlin 和 Java 用法,支持 BRVAH,支持封装到基类,支持 DataBinding,支持选择是否使用反射)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ludoven opened this issue · comments


C:/Users/xiao/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/ee9a157c8d48f6178a3da013349c0d5f/transformed/jetified-viewbinding-ktx-2.0.5/jars/classes.jar!/META-INF/viewbinding-ktx.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.6.0, expected version is 1.4.0.