DyGRec / TGSRec

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's the key difference between TGSRec and TGAN?

cchao0116 opened this issue · comments

Hi, there

I carefully read the paper, and there is one thing that really makes me confused:
what's the key difference between TGSRec and TGAN?

After reading the public codes line by line, it seems that the major difference is whether to use the edge features or not?

Could you kindly provide more comments to help me better interpret the insights of TGSRec, please?



Hi, there

I carefully read the paper, and there is one thing that really makes me confused: what's the key difference between TGSRec and TGAN?

After reading the public codes line by line, it seems that the major difference is whether to use the edge features or not?

Could you kindly provide more comments to help me better interpret the insights of TGSRec, please?


As you said, I also found that the source code of TGSRec is almost identical to TGAN