Dvogonen / cyclop_plus

Firmware upgrade for Quanum Cyclops FPV googles that adds support for manual channel selection, external display and battery level alarm.

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E3 and R1 are in inverse in frequency order when using "Next channel" function or Scan

Eulkomar opened this issue · comments

Hello Dvogonen,
First of all thank you and congratulation for this so nice project !
It is so usefull to be sure on which frequency we are locked onto !!
Great Job and your user interface is great too !

I found one little bug and I am, for instance, unable to solve it by myself. (I did not understand yet what was the logic behing progmen index, progmem value and frequencies order.)

Here is the bug description :

  • I set my VTX to R1.
  • Making a scan, Cyclops+ locks on E3 (5665 MHz), despite the fact that R1 is a lower frequency (5658).
    Not a big deal.
  • But when I want to use "previous frequency", to reach R1, I jump to E4 (5645).
  • R1 appears in fact after E3

One can leave with this but on a such well done software it should be a pity not to correct it.
It is looking like two values that are inverted.
I am convinced you will see this in a snap when checking your code... ;-)

Best regards

Hello again,
Checking again I finally saw my misunderstanding with the logic of frequencies lists.
The typo in the code is here :

/const uint8_t positions[] PROGMEM = {
19, 18, 32, 17, 33, 16, 7, 34, 8, 24, 6, 9, 25, 5, 35, 10, 26, 4, 11, 27,
3, 36, 12, 28, 2, 13, 29, 37, 1, 14, 30, 0, 15, 31, 38, 20, 21, 39, 22, 23
18 and 32 should be inverted.

I am registered on github only since few minutes, sorry if I made my remarks in a wrong way.
I never made a program with arduino, now I am fighthing with it to compile this modification to test it :-)

Thank you for your input. I will check the issue. I appreciate you taking your time to register with Github to register the report. Although I do not check the report queue more than perhaps a couple of times per month, a filed error report will always be noticed

This issue has been fixed in the 1.5 release.