DusanKasan / Knapsack

Collection pipeline library for PHP

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Best way to do with return in foreach?

roukmoute opened this issue · comments


I would like to know how can I use pipeline collection with this code:

foreach ($myArrayOfAsciiCode as $ascii) {
    if (strpos($path, chr($ascii))) {
        return true;

return false;

I do this:

return !Collection::from(self::INVALID_PATH_ASCII)
                      function (string $ascii) use ($path): bool {
                          return strpos($path, chr($ascii));

Is this the better way?


Hi. The some operation does exactly what you need. Let me know if you have further questions.

You could use some (the method names in the docs seem to be wrong, though. I'll create a PR to fix this):

Collection::from($myArrayOfAsciiCode)->some(function ($ascii) use ($path) {
   return strpos($path, chr($ascii)) !== false;

And I just realized the docs are showing wrong examples. Need to fix asap. Refer to tests for examples for now.

Fixed in #32

Thanks for your rapidity guys 😊!