duffney / manage-azure-with-ansible-20-mins

Presentation code samples for Manage Azure with Ansible in 20 minutes talk.

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Manage Azure with Ansible in 20 minutes


  • Azure subscription: Create a free account, here.
  • Visual Studio Code: Download and install, here. (Windows, MacOS, and Linux)

Build the Ansible Dev Container

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open Visual Studio Code
  3. Hit Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows) Command+Shift+P (MacOS) and run the command Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...

Create an Azure resource group

ansible localhost -m azure_rm_resourcegroup -a "name=ansible location=eastus"

Deploy the Azure Environment

ansible-playbook deploy_azure_env.yml -e 'password=<password>'

Replace <password> with the desired VM's local admin password.

Test Azure VM connectivity

ansible-playbook ping.yml
ansible-playbook win-ping.yml

Secure passwords with ansible-vault

Use ansible-vault to generate an encrypted string

echo -n '<Password>' | ansible-vault encrypt_string

Take the output from the previous command and update the ansible_password value in group_var/linux and group_var/windows.

Run ansible-inventory to validate the encrypted password

ansible-inventory -i inventory_azure_rm.yml --graph --ask-vault-pass

Configure the site webservers

Run the site.yml playbook.

ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory_azure_rm.yml --ask-vault-pass

Once complete, curl the Azure VMs public Ip addresses to confirm the web servers installation.

windowsPublicIp=$(az vm show -d -g demo-rg -n demo-win-vm --query publicIps -o tsv);
linuxPublicIp=$(az network public-ip show -g demo-rg -n demo-linux-pip --query 'ipAddress' -o tsv);
curl $windowsPublicIp;
curl $linuxPublicIp


Presentation code samples for Manage Azure with Ansible in 20 minutes talk.


Language:Shell 85.3%Language:Dockerfile 13.0%Language:HTML 1.6%