Dschungelabenteuer / vite-plugin-entry-shaking

Mimic tree-shaking behaviour when importing code from an entry file in development mode.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Start import/export

hipstersmoothie opened this issue · comments

The readme says the following aren't supported

import * as xxx from '…'
export * from '…'

I've also found this isn't supported

export * as xxx from '…'

Do you think it would be possible to modify the code to handle these? Or would it be too much work?


Thank you for your question, especially because it got me to think further about these limitations. Could you provide an example of issue you're running into when using the export * as Something from '…' syntax? The current phrasing of limitations may be misleading because it does not states wether it applies to entry points (files exporting all code) or to consuming code (files importing code from entry points), and I think it might be outdated now.


Closing stale issue