Dryusdan / docker-wallabag

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

This image is build and push with drone.io, a circle-ci like self-hosted. If you don't trust, you can build yourself.

Tag available


What is wallabag ?

wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It extracts content so that you can read it when you have time.


  • Support install on sqlite, mysql and postgres
  • No ROOT process
  • Support Redis and RabbitMQ

Bug issue

  • Postgresql not support by wallabag 2.3.0 (#3479) (Fix with 2.3.1)

Build Image

docker build -t xataz/wallabag github.com/xataz/docker-wallabag



Variable Name Description default value
UID uid use to launch wallabag 991 valid UID
GID gid use to launch wallabag 991 valid GID
DB_TYPE Type of database sqlite sqlite, pgsql or mysql
DB_HOST Hostname or IP of database host wallabag-db valid IP, container name or hostname
DB_PORT Port of database ~ Valid port number
DB_NAME Database name wallabag Valid database name
DB_USER Database user wallabag Valid database user
DB_PASS Database user password ~ Valid password
MAIL_HOST smtp server address Valid smtp server
MAIL_USER smtp username ~ Valid username for smtp server
MAIL_PASS smtp password ~ Valid password for smtp server
MAIL_ADRESS Mail address for contact wallabag@mydomain.tld Valid mail address
DOMAIN_NAME Domain to use for wallabag access wallabag.mydomain.tld Valid domain name
SECRET Secret for php sessions ovkdslhHIDMSkgdklDSMIKHDgfkldf Randomize
ENABLE_REGISTRATION Enable user registration false true or false
ENABLE_RABBITMQ Enable rabbitmq for asynchronous tasks false true or flase
RABBITMQ_HOST Rabbitmq hostname rabbitmq Valid IP, container name or hostname
RABBITMQ_PORT Rabbitmq database port 5672 Valid port number
RABBITMQ_USER Rabbitmq database user guest Valide database user
RABBITMQ_PASS Rabbitmq database password guest Valid password
ENABLE_REDIS Enable redis for asynchronous tasks false true or flase
REDIS_HOST Redis hostname redis Valid IP, container name or hostname
REDIS_PORT Redis database port 6379 Valid port number
REDIS_PASS Redis password null Valide password


  • /data : Sqlite database emplacement
  • /app/wallabag/web/assets/images : Store content images


  • 8080


Run with sqlite

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /docker/wallabag/db/:/data \
    -v /docker/wallabag/img:/app/wallabag/web/assets/images \
    -e DB_TYPE=sqlite \

Run with mariadb

$ docker run -d --name wallabag-db \
    -v /docker/wallabag/db:/var/lib/mysql \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=wallabag \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wallabag \
    -e MYSQL_USER=wallabag \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=wallabag \
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /docker/wallabag/img:/app/wallabag/web/assets/images \
    --link wallabag-db:wallabag-db \
    -e DB_TYPE=mysql \
    -e DB_HOST=wallabag-db \
    -e DB_PORT=3306 \
    -e DB_USER=wallabag \
    -e DB_PASS=wallabag \
    -e DB_NAME=wallabag \

Enable asynchronous tasks

More information here

Exemple for enable asynchronous pocket import with redis :

docker exec -ti -u wallabag wallabag_container sh -c "cd /app/wallabag && php bin/console wallabag:import:redis-worker -e=prod pocket -vv"


Any contributions, are very welcome !



Language:Shell 100.0%