Dryusdan / docker-reverse-nginx

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

This image is build and push with drone.io, a circle-ci like self-hosted. If you don't trust, you can build yourself.

Tag available

  • latest, mainline, 1.13.7, 1.13, 1.0.1, 1.0, 1 (Dockerfile)

I've created new version rules, Before, I used nginx version, but now I will use [MAJOR-VERSION].[MINOR-VERSION].[BUG-FIXES]. I will use both notations


  • No ROOT process
  • Automatic configuration generation
  • Automatic certificate generation and renew with letsencrypt and without downtime (use lego)
  • Latest nginx version
  • ARG for custom build
  • Latest openSSL version
  • OCSP Support
  • HSTS Support
  • CT Support


What is Nginx?

nginx (engine x) is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 24.29% busiest sites in December 2015. Here are some of the success stories: Netflix, Wordpress.com, FastMail.FM.

Reverse-nginx generate for you the configuration of reverse proxy. Like traefik, it is based on the labels of containers, but it isn't dynamicly.

Build Image

Build arguments

  • NGINX_CONF : Nginx make configure options
  • NGINX_VER : Nginx version
  • ARG NGINX_GPG : GPG fingerprint (default : "B0F4253373F8F6F510D42178520A9993A1C052F8")
  • ARG BUILD_CORES : Number of core use for make nginx (default : All cores)

Simply build

docker build -t xataz/reverse-nginx github.com/xataz/dockerfiles.git#master:reverse-nginx

Build other version

docker build -t xataz/reverse-nginx --build-arg NGINX_VER=1.9.5 github.com/xataz/dockerfiles.git#master:reverse-nginx



  • UID : Choose uid for launch nginx (default : 991)
  • GID : Choose gid for launch nginx (default : 991) (Use local docker group id)
  • EMAIL : Mail address for letsencrypt
  • SWARM : enable if use this reverse with docker swarm mode (default : disable)
  • TLS_VERSION : Choose tls version separate by space (default : "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2")
  • CIPHER_SUITE : Choose cipher suite (default : "EECDH+CHACHA20:EECDH+AESGCM")
  • ECDH_CURVE : Choose ecdh curve (default : "X25519:P-521:P-384")


  • /nginx/ssl : For certificate persistance
  • /nginx/sites_enabled : Warning, this file can be delete if restart container
  • /nginx/path.d : Warning, this file can be delete if restart container
  • /nginx/custom_sites : For create your own sites


  • 8080
  • 8443



Label Name Description default value
reverse.frontend.domain Domain Name for this service mydomain.local valid domain name (For multiple domains, separate by comma)
reverse.frontend.path Domain path (warning, no rewrite url) / valid path, with /
reverse.frontend.auth For auth basic none user:encryptpassword (For multiple auth, separate by comma)
reverse.frontend.ssltype Choose ssl type ec384 rsa2048, rsa4096, rsa8192, ec256 or ec384
reverse.frontend.domain_max_body_size Choose max size upload 200M Numeric value with unit (K,M,G,T)
reverse.frontend.hsts Enable HSTS enable enable or disable
reverse.frontend.ocsp Enable OCSP enable enable or disable
reverse.frontend.ct Generate CT for certificate disable enable or disable
reverse.frontend.ssl Generate letsencrypt certificate disable enable or disable
reverse.backend.port Port use by container 8080 Valid port number

More labels soon !!!

Gen manuel cert

$ docker exec -ti container_name gen_manuel_ssl sub.domain.tld rsa4096


First launch another container

For exemple, I launch lutim container :

$ docker run -d \
    --name lutim \
    --label reverse.frontend.domain=sub.domain.com \
    --label reverse.frontend.path=lutim \
    --label reverse.frontend.auth=USER:$(openssl passwd -crypt PASSWORD) \
    --label reverse.frontend.ssltype=ec256 \
    --label reverse.frontend.ssl=enable \
    --label reverse.backend.port=8181 \
    -v /docker/config/lutim/data:/data \
    -v /docker/data/lutim:/lutim/files \
    -e UID=1001 \
    -e GID=1001 \
    -e WEBROOT=/lutim \
    -e SECRET=$(date +%s | md5sum | head -c 32) \
    -e CONTACT=contact@domain.com \
    -e MAX_FILE_SIZE=250000000 \

Launch reverse-nginx

docker run -d \
	-p 80:8080 \
	-p 443:8443 \
    --name reverse \
    -e EMAIL=me@mydomain.com \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

URI Access : https://sub.domain.com/lutim



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