DrkSephy / es6-cheatsheet

ES2015 [ES6] cheatsheet containing tips, tricks, best practices and code snippets

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Named Parameters is unclear to me

stared opened this issue · comments

Named Parameters ins unclear to me.

In particular:

  • do I refer to them the same way as to "not-named" parameters?
  • how do I call this function? ( func(a=1) or func({a= 1}))
  • how do I combine named and not-named parameters?

In order:

You refer to them the same way as parameters that are not named, which is essentially a function call:

function addNumbers(a, b) {
  return a + b;

addNumbers(2, 3);

function someName(a=1) is a function whose default value for a is 1. If you call the function like so:

function someName(a=1) {
  return a + 100;

someName( ); // Calling the function with no parameters will return 101, variable (a) takes the value of 1.
someName(3); // Calling the function with (A) returns 103, variable (a) takes the value of 3.

As for using the destructuring operation on a function func({a = 1}):

function addNumbers({a = 0, b = 0}) {
  // Through destructuring, we can access variables a and b here
  return a + b;

addNumbers({a: 10, b:20}); // Call the function with the needed parameters

Lastly, we can combine named and not-named parameters like this:

function addNumbers({a = 0, b = 0}, c) {
  // Through destructuring, we can access variables a and b here
  return a + b + c;

addNumbers({a: 10, b:20}, 40); // Returns 70

I hope this made sense.

@DrkSephy Thanks! Especially the last two lines were not obvious and new to me.