DragonBe / vies

Component using the European Commission (EC) VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) to verify and validate VAT registration numbers in the EU, using PHP and Composer.

Home Page:http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/faqvies.do#item16

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove Validation of VAT Numbers from Great Britain

jonathanmaron opened this issue · comments

Following Brexit on January 31, 2020 (23:00 London time), Great Britain is no longer part of the European Union. Consequently, this component no longer needs to validate VAT numbers from Great Britain.

But it's in VIES until end of 2020 or 2024 (I don't remember).

I read until end of 2020 nothing changes vat vise.

Source: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Keine-Partystimmung-zum-Brexit-Gefahr-eines-No-Deals-nicht-gebannt-4650605.html?seite=2

Zentraler Punkt im Austrittsvertrag ist eine Übergangsfrist bis zum Jahresende, in der sich im Alltag fast nichts ändert. Großbritannien bleibt in der Zeit im EU-Binnenmarkt und in der Zollunion.

What we can do is start marking the usage of the "GB" validator as @deprecated but I wouldn't jump ship yet by removing it completely from the codebase.

Thoughts and ideas about this please.

I don't think anything needs to change for now, or if anything it should be within an if (date('Ym') >= '202101') { ... }, but we'll probably know more about this later in the year.

I will close this issue for the time being, if regulations change I will reopen it and perform the necessary changes.

I will close this issue for the time being, if regulations change I will reopen it and perform the necessary changes.

I believe the transition period can't be extended anymore. So UK is leaving the VAT territory on dec 31th.

The date check on listEuropeanCountries() sounds perfect.

@DragonBe can you re-open this issue?