DragonBe / vies

Component using the European Commission (EC) VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) to verify and validate VAT registration numbers in the EU, using PHP and Composer.

Home Page:http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/faqvies.do#item16

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

heartbeat is not working anymore

NielsLinde opened this issue · comments

The heartbeat is calling tls://ec.europa.eu:443 but there has been a change on this website.

Now the status code is "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" and the heartbeat is failing :

I can approve, heartbeat is not working.

Response from readContents method:
array:11 [▼
0 => "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"
1 => "Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 11:44:43 GMT"
2 => "Content-Length: 40616"
3 => "X-FPFIS: 179059083"
4 => "Location: https://commission.europa.eu/select-language?destination=/node/1"
5 => "Retry-After: 5"
6 => "Host: ec.europa.eu"
7 => "Server: Europa"
8 => "Connection: close"
9 => ""
10 => """

<title>Sorry - 179059083</title>

var cl = document.querySelector('html').classList;
!function(a,b){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],function(){return a.svg4everybody=b()}):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.expo ▶
integrity="sha256-Mwc5eL1RymLbiIKrMvbZmz/FOXFlCnjAsGHs9AIb6Qc= sha384-NQOOLrEUKk++wGGz+h1BASx0NyOK/mTbtDF4gZ9e3x1ZgXrWnhG/FmQYfOsojLws sha512-86FiTtDKFNsK ▶
integrity="sha256-lJYdcmklwVrgn2ZWsSN3GZ5G+1saXwJLjUX0mrcHoX4= sha384-Os00jmeauouS56K4NmaQ636onpfJqEMNVujF5H9lwauJgQTQjOLbdJvZbUwmtBti sha512-OjGa7LT06TdG ▶

Server inaccessibility

301 - Moved Permanently/ Request ID: 179059083


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svg4everybody({ polyfill: true });


I too. No longer working anymore.

We should monitor ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies istead of ec.europa.eu

Looks like they have a all-new restful api now: https://viesapi.eu/vies-rest-api-documentation/
Anybody with information if the soap service will be maintained and how long? Should this library move to the mentioned rest api eventually?

No i don't think the https://viesapi.eu/ is a original vies service? But just a company which builds a rest api on top of it?
Also you have to pay for the usage.

But about the heartbeat? I'm not really sure it is really needed, but if so than the "ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies" would be better. I can give it a try maybe this weekend to create a merge request

Yep it's a wrapper. A quick fix would be to add 301 header as a correct response - the same as 308 was added.

Yep it's a wrapper. A quick fix would be to add 301 header as a correct response - the same as 308 was added.

Given it more thought, that even appears to be the better solution to me as the heartbeat is about host availability, right?
Checking if their GUI is up seems...unimportant because it might not affect the soap service at all. We might even consider if we treat any http response below 400 as a success imo, to maybe stop the rat race if this is the second time already as @pkrzaczkowski-hippo mentioned.
Not to mention that this is also the easier fix as the the current HearBeat class is not built to handle an actual URL

Client-side question: Is there actually any good reason for doing this heartbeat check? What is the risk if we don't use it at all? If the service is down, the VAT check fails and you have an error anyway.

Well @sophie-kuehn i don't use the heartbeat anymore and we just try catch the calls with a timeout.
You don't really need the heartbeat

Pull Request #149


Pull Request #149

tested and it fixes the issue, thanks!


If fixed, why is this issue still open?