DrMint / Litrato

Android photo editing app with various filters and tools. Included advanced features like masking, histogram, color picker, EXIF viewer...

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License and some minors

IzzySoft opened this issue · comments


This is quite a well-documented project if I ever saw one, congrats! And even only skimming the Readme is promising. A few questions however:

  • What license are you using?
  • the tag says "1.0" – but the APK identifies as "1.1"; is that intended?
  • seeing versionName "1.1" together with versionCode 1 looks like the latter was forgotten to increase (but could also mean you just started with "1.1" because noone would trust a .0 release)?
  • as this is an open-source project, wouldn't you rather use an open-source mapping library (OSM?) instead of bringing in proprietary dependencies (here: Google Maps and GSM)?

Thanks in advance for letting me know!

Hi, I'm glad you've found our program promising. It was a school project, so we made sure to properly document everything!

  • So about the license, we will go for a permissive license, most likely MIT. I will consult the other collaborators about this.

  • You are right. I fixed it.

  • I'm not sure why we ended up with those version numbers, it's definitely not something we took very seriously.

  • Yes, we should have done this. The Exif-viewer function wasn't something required by the specification we were given, it was a fun side-project we ended up integrating in the program. I'll check OSM when I can, but I have been quite busy recently.

Thanks for the feedback!


Thanks for your response! Looking forward to the updates then. Another note on versioning (in case you know this already, feel free to ignore): while versionName is what is shown to the "human", versionCode is what Android itself uses to tell versions apart. So unless an APK has a higher versionCode, Android won't accept it as "update". Which is why it's important to always increase it with each new release.

And no pressure: it's done when you have time. I know what it means to be busy, same problem here 😉