DrGo / GrandScheme

A Neovim color scheme written in Lua that is designed to reduce eye-strain, supports TreeSitter and LSP Diagnostics AND load very fast.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Neovim color scheme written in Lua that is designed to reduce eye-strain, have a built-in minimal but useful status line support TreeSitter and LSP Diagnostics, be easily configurable, AND load very fast.

Installation and configuration

Install and configure with lazy.nvim:

    priority = 1000,
    lazy = false,
    config= true 

Because config.style is not specified, a color scheme will be picked in this order:

  • the value of the environmental variable VIMGSCOLOR ('dark', 'light' or name of a custom scheme)
  • the value of vim.o.background.
  • default scheme = dark

To use the light scheme or change other options:

    priority = 1000,
    lazy = false,
    opts = {
      style ="light",
	  statusline = true, 
  • set statusline to true to enable the built-in statusline, which shows full file path (truncated to 34 chars; red background means file changed, green otherwise), LSP diagnostics, decimal/hexadecimal value of the char under the cursor, file type, file encoding and current line number/total number of lines.

-none of the options is mandatory.


Command GScheme arg

to switch to a `dark` or `light` scheme



A Neovim color scheme written in Lua that is designed to reduce eye-strain, supports TreeSitter and LSP Diagnostics AND load very fast.

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%