Dr-TSNG / TwiFucker

Yet Another Adkiller for Twitter

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[Bug] Unable to like tweets in media view mode

Gnbrkm41 opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce/复现步骤

  1. Click any media in a tweet (e.g. image / video). Observe that the media is enlarged to fullscreen mode.
  2. Try adding the tweet to favourites by clicking the heart icon.

Expected behaviour/预期行为

The heart icon turns red and stays red. The said tweet should be visible in the list of favourited tweets.

Actual behaviour/实际行为

The heart icon turns red for a brief moment before it goes back to being unfavourited. The said tweet is not visible in favourited tweets.

Xposed Module List/Xposed 模块列表

I just download the non-root patched APK from Telegram, so I'm not exactly sure about all the infos listed below. The description of the file says:

LSPatched from 29740000
TwiFucker: 5c23ea0
LSPatch: 0aaa533

TwiFucker version/TwiFucker 版本

1.9.r194.5c23ea0 (194)

Twitter version/Twitter 版本


Android version/Android 版本


Xposed Framework/Xposed 框架


Framework version/框架版本

Not sure?

Version requirement/版本要求



Log exported from TwiFucker's settings menu: log (1).txt


reproduced without enabling TwiFucker module