Donkie / Spoolman

Keep track of your inventory of 3D-printer filament spools.

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Can't add new location

bofh69 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I can't add a new location when creating a new spool or editing an old spool.

To Reproduce
I go to spools, click create, press the location field, then I get a "No data" box showing, but the field is not active/I can't write anything in it.

Expected behavior
I expected to be able to write the name of the location.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04LTS
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Version: 121

Additional context
This is a new install with the latest docker image.

Just below where it says No Data you should have a text input where you can type in a new location. I just tried it in firefox and it works fine for me.
Do you see this field?

Yes, I missed that one. Sorry about that. It was easier to see once another location had been added.