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RESTful with authentication

polinwei opened this issue · comments

Hi Sir:

Is possible to setup a authentication for RESTful?

To implement authentication, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Implement the findIdentityByAccessToken() in the User model
    public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)
    return static::findOne(['auth_key' => $token, 'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE]);
  2. Configure authentication method
    $behaviors['authenticator']['class'] = QueryParamAuth::className();
    $behaviors['authenticator']['only'] = ['update'];
    $behaviors['authenticator']['tokenParam'] = 'auth_key'; // This value can be changed to its own, for example hash

Done! Checking:

http://yii2-advanced-start.loc/api/users // All users received

We put the authentication on the action index

$behaviors['authenticator']['class'] = QueryParamAuth::className();
$behaviors['authenticator']['only'] = ['update', 'index'];
$behaviors['authenticator']['tokenParam'] = 'auth_key'; // This value can be changed to its own, for example hash


http://yii2-advanced-start.loc/api/users // Received status 401

Trying to authenticate

http://yii2-advanced-start.loc/api/users?auth_key=4GLpuUYaqFpoKQ9i8FiQaLxcWnkcdBo9 // All users received

auth_key field:

* @property string $auth_key

Authorized User Key:

echo Yii::$app->user->identity->auth_key;

Hi Sir:
Thanks!! Your explanation is so clear and simple. BTW whether I can to specify a specific user with its access token ?

Hi, thanks)

Thanks!! Your explanation is so clear and simple. BTW whether I can to specify a specific user with its access token ?

If you mean RBAC then yes, access control does not differ from the normal mode.

Or what do you mean?

The user's token can be displayed for example in its profile.

Before using the API, the user must find out his / her token. This is generally a standard OAuth procedure.

Do it has the parameter $behaviors['authenticator']['userParam'] ?

$behaviors['authenticator']['tokenParam'] = 'auth_key';
$behaviors['authenticator']['userParam'] = 'username';


If you want to provide access by login and password, you can use:

Just replace it:

$behaviors['authenticator']['class'] = QueryParamAuth::className();
$behaviors['authenticator']['only'] = ['update', 'index'];
$behaviors['authenticator']['tokenParam'] = 'auth_key'; // This value can be changed to its own, for example hash

On this:

$behaviors['authenticator'] = [
            'class' => \yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth::className(),
            'only' => ['update'],
            'auth' => function ($username, $password) {
                $user = \modules\users\models\api\User::find()->where(['username' => $username])->one();
                if ($user->validatePassword($password)) {
                    return $user;
                return null;

Multiple authentication methods:

$behaviors['authenticator'] = [
'class' => CompositeAuth::className(),
'only' => ['update', 'index'], // Access only for these actions
'authMethods' => [
// Access by token
'class' => QueryParamAuth::className(),
'tokenParam' => 'auth_key', // This value can be changed to its own, for example hash
// Access by username and password
'class' => HttpBasicAuth::className(),
'auth' => function ($username, $password) {
if($user = \modules\users\models\api\User::find()->where(['username' => $username])->one()) {
if (!empty($password) && $user->validatePassword($password)) {
return $user;
return null;

Login by login and password or by token


Excellent !! Thanks