Dn-a / flutter_tags

With flutter tags you can create selectable or input tags that automatically adapt to the screen width

Home Page:https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_tags

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Text not fully displayed

RomanSoviak opened this issue · comments

Hi my text in text field not fully displayed in Flutter WEB


Tags( runAlignment: WrapAlignment.start, alignment: WrapAlignment.start, key: _tagStateKey, textField: TagsTextField( textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(13)), inputDecoration: InputDecoration( focusColor: Colors.orange, labelText: localizations.genreLabel, ), hintText: "", constraintSuggestion: false, onSubmitted: (String genre) { setState(() { _genreTags.add(genre); }); }, ), itemCount: _genreTags.length, itemBuilder: (int index) { final item = _genreTags[index]; return ItemTags( alignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, key: Key(index.toString()), index: index, title: item, active: false, activeColor: Colors.orange, customData: item, combine: ItemTagsCombine.withTextAfter, removeButton: ItemTagsRemoveButton( onRemoved: () { setState(() => _genreTags.removeAt(index)); return true; }, ), ); }, )

I cannot see letters: g,q, p, y

@RomanSoviak thanks for the report. Flutter Tags in the WEB version has not been widely tested as Flutter WEB is still in beta version so it may show some side effects.

@Dn-a thanks for the quick response! I hope you it will be fixed in the nearest future