DivanteLtd / shopware2vuestorefront

First Progressive Web App for Shopware 6. Made with ❤️ by Vue Storefront

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ReadMe.md wrong path

christopherPix opened this issue · comments

Hello, i found an small issue in the ReadMe.md from the project : https://github.com/DivanteLtd/shopware2vuestorefront

in the installation it says:
Change the vue-storefront-api/local.json setting the platform to shopware. In the end - set the Shopware 6 API credentials in the vue-storefront-api/local.json.

  1. the file is located under vue-storefrint-api/configs/local.json
  2. there is nothing where i could see how to perfom this Shopware 6 credentials ( should may be added )

i personally dont know how to connect the vue-storefront to shopware6 now...

hope you can fix this

best greetings from Germany :)

Thanks! Good point! It would be awesome I you created a Pull Request with the suggested changes!

Should be fixed with #12 😉

Hey, thanks for fixing the Path - but I also have the problem to provide the API credentials in the config file. Could maybe provide a JSON example of how this should be structured?

here you have samples of two config files:


module.exports = {
  api: {
    protocol: process.env.API_PROTOCOL || 'https',
    host:  'www.shopware6.com',
    version: process.env.API_VERSION || 'v1',
    prefix: process.env.API_PREFIX || 'sales-channel-api',
    user: 'admin',
    password: 'shopware'
  elasticsearch: {
    host: 'https://elasticsearch.com',
    port: 80,
    logLevel: 'warn',
    indexName: 'vue_storefront_shopware',
  logger: {
    winston: {
      file: {
        level: 'info',
        filename: `${appRoot}/logs/app.log`,
        handleExceptions: true,
        json: true,
        maxsize: 5242880,
        maxFiles: 5,
        colorize: false,
      console: {
        level: 'debug',
        handleExceptions: true,
        json: false,
        colorize: true,

vue-storefront-api/config/default.json (look for "shopware" phrase in it):

  "server": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 8080,
    "searchEngine": "elasticsearch"
  "orders": {
    "useServerQueue": false
  "catalog": {
    "excludeDisabledProducts": false
  "elasticsearch": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 9200,
    "protocol": "http",
    "user": "elastic",
    "password": "changeme",
    "min_score": 0.01,
    "indices": [
    "indexTypes": [
    "apiVersion": "5.6"
  "redis": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 6379,
    "db": 0
  "kue": {},
  "availableStores": [
  "storeViews": {
    "multistore": true,
    "mapStoreUrlsFor": [
    "de": {
      "storeCode": "de",
      "disabled": true,
      "storeId": 3,
      "name": "German Store",
      "url": "/de",
      "elasticsearch": {
        "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
        "index": "vue_storefront_catalog_de"
      "tax": {
        "defaultCountry": "DE",
        "defaultRegion": "",
        "calculateServerSide": true,
		"sourcePriceIncludesTax": false
      "i18n": {
        "fullCountryName": "Germany",
        "fullLanguageName": "German",
        "defaultLanguage": "DE",
        "defaultCountry": "DE",
        "defaultLocale": "de-DE",
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "currencySign": "EUR",
        "dateFormat": "HH:mm D-M-YYYY"
    "it": {
      "storeCode": "it",
      "disabled": true,
      "storeId": 4,
      "name": "Italian Store",
      "url": "/it",
      "elasticsearch": {
        "host": "localhost:8080/api/catalog",
        "index": "vue_storefront_catalog_it"
      "tax": {
        "defaultCountry": "IT",
        "defaultRegion": "",
        "calculateServerSide": true,
		"sourcePriceIncludesTax": false
      "i18n": {
        "fullCountryName": "Italy",
        "fullLanguageName": "Italian",
        "defaultCountry": "IT",
        "defaultLanguage": "IT",
        "defaultLocale": "it-IT",
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "currencySign": "EUR",
        "dateFormat": "HH:mm D-M-YYYY"
  "authHashSecret": "__SECRET_CHANGE_ME__",
  "objHashSecret": "__SECRET_CHANGE_ME__",
  "cart": {
    "setConfigurableProductOptions": false
  "tax": {
    "defaultCountry": "PL",
    "defaultRegion": "",
    "calculateServerSide": true,
    "alwaysSyncPlatformPricesOver": false,
    "usePlatformTotals": true,
    "setConfigurableProductOptions": true,
	"sourcePriceIncludesTax": false
  "bodyLimit": "100kb",
  "corsHeaders": [
  "platform": "shopware",
  "registeredExtensions": [
  "extensions": {
    "mailchimp": {
      "listId": "e06875a7e1",
      "apiKey": "a9a3318ea7d30f5c5596bd4a78ae0985-us3",
      "apiUrl": "https://us3.api.mailchimp.com/3.0"
    "mailService": {
      "transport": {
        "host": "smtp.gmail.com",
        "port": 465,
        "secure": true,
        "user": "vuestorefront",
        "pass": "vuestorefront.io"
      "targetAddressWhitelist": ["contributors@vuestorefront.io"],
      "secretString": "__THIS_IS_SO_SECRET__"
  "shopware": {
    "url": "http://localhost:8000/",
    "imgUrl": "",
    "assetPath": "",
    "magentoUserName": "",
    "magentoUserPassword": "",
    "httpUserName": "",
    "httpUserPassword": "",
    "api": {
      "url": "http://localhost:8000/sales-channel-api/v1",
      "accessToken": "SWXXXXXXXXXXX01"
  "magento2": {
    "url": "http://demo-magento2.vuestorefront.io/",
    "imgUrl": "",
    "assetPath": "/../var/magento2-sample-data/pub/media",
    "magentoUserName": "",
    "magentoUserPassword": "",
    "httpUserName": "",
    "httpUserPassword": "",
    "api": {
      "url": "http://demo-magento2.vuestorefront.io/rest",
      "consumerKey": "byv3730rhoudsdspcq64don8ukb8lf2gq",
      "consumerSecret": "u9q4fcobvdsdsoupa6uhexc27rb",
      "accessToken": "040xx3qy7dsds3q0exrfop579cy20m",
      "accessTokenSecret": "7qunl3pdsdsubmr7u1ijt7odyialnih9"
  "magento1": {
    "url": "http://magento-demo.local",
    "imgUrl": "http://magento-demo.local/media/catalog/product",
    "magentoUserName": "",
    "magentoUserPassword": "",
    "httpUserName": "",
    "httpUserPassword": "",
    "api": {
      "url": "http://magento-demo.local/vsbridge",
      "consumerKey": "",
      "consumerSecret": "",
      "accessToken": "",
      "accessTokenSecret": ""
  "imageable": {
    "namespace": "",
    "maxListeners": 512,
    "imageSizeLimit": 1024,
    "whitelist": {
      "allowedHosts": [
    "cache": {
      "memory": 50,
      "files": 20,
      "items": 100
    "concurrency": 0,
    "counters": {
      "queue": 2,
      "process": 4
    "simd": true,
    "keepDownloads": true
  "entities": {
      "category": {
        "includeFields": [ "children_data", "id", "children_count", "sku", "name", "is_active", "parent_id", "level", "url_key" ]
      "attribute": {
        "includeFields": [ "attribute_code", "id", "entity_type_id", "options", "default_value", "is_user_defined", "frontend_label", "attribute_id", "default_frontend_label", "is_visible_on_front", "is_visible", "is_comparable" ]
      "productList": {
        "sort": "",
        "includeFields": [ "type_id", "sku", "product_links", "tax_class_id", "special_price", "special_to_date", "special_from_date", "name", "price", "priceInclTax", "originalPriceInclTax", "originalPrice", "specialPriceInclTax", "id", "image", "sale", "new", "url_key" ],
        "excludeFields": [ "configurable_children", "description", "configurable_options", "sgn" ]
      "productListWithChildren": {
        "includeFields": [ "type_id", "sku", "name", "tax_class_id", "special_price", "special_to_date", "special_from_date", "price", "priceInclTax", "originalPriceInclTax", "originalPrice", "specialPriceInclTax", "id", "image", "sale", "new", "configurable_children.image", "configurable_children.sku", "configurable_children.price", "configurable_children.special_price", "configurable_children.priceInclTax", "configurable_children.specialPriceInclTax", "configurable_children.originalPrice", "configurable_children.originalPriceInclTax", "configurable_children.color", "configurable_children.size", "product_links", "url_key"],
        "excludeFields": [ "description", "sgn"]
      "product": {
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        "includeFields": null,
        "filterFieldMapping": {
          "category.name": "category.name.keyword"
  "usePriceTiers": false,
  "boost": {
    "name": 3,
    "category.name": 1,
    "short_description": 1,
    "description": 1,
    "sku": 1,
    "configurable_children.sku": 1

It feels like a privilege to get everything up and running the way it's supposed to.
I gave up three times already, not sure if it's just me struggling that much.

Hi @jrdevforlife - this is just a PoC project; We're currently working on much more optimized and polished integration - https://github.com/DivanteLtd/shopware2vuestorefront/blob/master/FAQ.md

Sorry that we can't handle all the support/doc requests properly :( We're small team and need to be focused


@pkarw I totally understand that, don't worry. As soon as I am able to, I'll be helping out as much as I can. You guys just recently visited our agency in Berlin/Germany. So we're pumped for the future to come.